A Companion
for Liberatory

VI. Reservoirs
Witness (v.): To attend to with care and openness; to listen with one’s whole being.
(Pauline Oliveros, The Witness: A solo duet with an imaginary partner, a duo or an ensemble (Kingston, NY: Deep Listening Publications, 1989).)
1. Finding one’s bearings; a way of “registering the proximity of objects and others." 2. One’s preferences or inclinations toward or away from objects or others, sexually or otherwise.
(Sara Ahmed, Queer Phenomenology: Orientations, Objects, Others (Durham: Duke University Press, 2006), 3).
Relationality: “Relationality refers to connectedness, a view of the world that underlines how no person or thing exists in isolation, because existence necessarily means being ‘in relationship’.”
Vanessa Wijngaarden, “Relationality,” in Showing Theory to Know Theory: Understanding social science concepts through illustrative vignettes, Vol. 1, eds. Patricia Ballamingie and David Szanto (Ottowa: Showing Theory Press, 2022),