A Companion
for Liberatory

I. Grief is an opening

Grief: "The metabolization of change"
—Ross Gay, Inciting Joy (Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 2022), 218.

A condition requiring both the liberation from enslavement and a state of political interdependence with others who are also free.
—Hannah Arendt, Between Past and Future: Six Exercises in Political Thought (New York: The Viking Press, 1961), 143-172
A two-sided word, used as: (1) “a conquerer’s freedom, freedom of the strong built on antipathy or indifference to the weak,” or (2) “a black freedom” that is built on “we” instead of “I”
—Ta-Nehisi Coates, “I'm Not Black, I'm Kanye,” in The Atlantic: Web Edition Articles (USA), May 7, 2018
"Freedom [. . .] You need me (need me)
And I need you (don't you know)
Without each other there ain't nothing people can do."
—Aretha Franklin, "Think," on Aretha Now (Atlantic Records, 1968)

Gratitude: The quality of being in thrall to life in all its messy, beautiful entanglements.
—Ross Gay, Inciting Joy (Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 2022), 205.